I went to my office today--I had a few meetings but most of the day was just getting things checked off my list. I spent some time chatting with a work friend about a hard thing she is dealing with right now. It felt good to hear her story and give support. It made me remember to try to build relationships with the people I work with. I spend so much time at the office, I should really get to know people better.
After work, I headed straight to CrossFit. Both of the kids were there and had already completed one class by the time I got there. I felt great on the run---really strong and didn't feel that far behind people (except Nova). Our strength WOD was tough---various snatches and I just couldn't seem to get the timing down. The actual workout was 50 sit-ups, 40 burpees over the bar, 30 push-ups, 20 snatches and 10 muscle ups (or 20 ring rows for me). I got to the last exercise before the time was up. I felt pretty good on the burpees too (my nemesis) and just really focused on getting them done and not really stopping. I am getting stronger. I can feel it.
Sweaty, tired and red-faced, the kids and I headed to Target for a few things and then finally home for dinner. Aaron made grilled chicken and pasta for him and Nova, fake chicken and pasta for Sawyer (vegetarian) and grilled chicken and roasted potatoes for me (don't like pasta and try to be mostly Paleo).
Then, homework for kids while Aaron and I watched Survivor. I am tired now and plan to sleep like a baby.
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