I have been in Savannah Georgia for Nova's gymnastics competition at the Pink Meet (for breast cancer research).
A few mom's and daughters teamed up to rent a cool old Victorian house, right near Forsyth Park to watch the girls compete and enjoy the city together.
The girls competed on Friday morning and did really well---Nova didn't have her highest score of the season but still did fantastic. I love how consistent she is between meets and between events. She looks solid and confident out there. While I may have wished that she had moved more quickly through the levels, I am actually really happy with how she has gone through her gymnastics journey.
After the competition, we went to Tequila's Town for lunch. I really liked my tamale and the pitcher of Skinny Margarita's--the girls were less happy with their choices. After lunch, we headed home and had a bit of time to hang out on the porch before heading out on our ghost tour.
The ghost tour was in a trolley that moved slowly through the city. I would have preferred a walking tour--where could have really gotten the full experience. The girls had a bit of drama while on the trolley and one of the mom's decided to head back early, right when the tour dropped us off for dinner at The Pirate House. I guess this restaurant is famous for great food and atmosphere but they dropped us off in a back room, with no waitstaff or interaction from the staff. We were fed a buffet of all white food (fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, fried fish, pulled pork and biscuits) and sweet tea. The food was decent and it would have likely been better had we been able to eat in the real dining room.
After the tour, we headed home and hit our beds. It was late and we had had a very full day.
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