I had to ease myself back into work today--and it was from home so that wasn't too bad. I am off for the next five days but needed this one day to finish up a project (didn't finish!) and to give myself a bit of a catch up day so that things aren't such a mess in the new year.
I spent too much time applying for a job in Hawaii. It sounds like a great job--we will see how that goes. I go back and forth about whether or not I am ready to move back or not. Sawyer really wants to move there to surf. Nova does not want to because she has great gym and gymnastics family, a great school and good friends here. Aaron is neutral--he likes it here and loves the business but Hawaii is his home and surf is his life.
And, me.....I am not sure. I do want a change (2018 is either going to be the year of big changes or the year of healthy and happy--or maybe both!). Part of me would love a big move like that but to somewhere new----California is appealing! New Zealand even more so! Or, maybe just a new house in our same town would be fine too. The first step is just sort of seeing what is out there as far as opportunities---and then we will see where the universe pulls us.
I was easily talked out of CrossFit tonight--it is so hard to go back to after a couple of weeks off! Instead the kids and I went to the park to walk (me), skateboard (Nova), and bike (Sawyer). It was a beautiful night and we all had fun.
Then a quick trip to the mall to get a new phone case for Nova, Burger Fi for Aaron, and over to Sarah's to feed the cat. Finally home to watch a few episodes of Parks and Recreation. I like that show but man, there are A LOT of episodes. I don't know if we will ever get through the whole thing.
Oh! During our marathon TV watching, Sawyer picked up the new ukulele and started playing, "Lava". Nova came up and started singing along with it and it was perfectly beautiful. They wouldn't let me get a video but I did snap a photo.
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