I really do love soup but I realized that I don't really make it very often. It could have something to do with living in Florida and having beautiful weather most of the time. Soup season is just so short. While those of you up north are pulling out your winter coats and scarves and making soup, we are harvesting strawberries and paddling in the beautiful springs. Though I do love having perfect weather, almost year round, I really do miss cold days where you can just stay home, bundle up, read books and eat soup.
We do have cold fronts that come through and we are getting a small one this weekend. The cold fronts (and hurricanes) usually mean the surf picks up in the in the Gulf of Mexico so I have learned to be on the lookout for these cold weather snaps as it means SURF! While the family is out surfing the cold weather waves, I usually hang back. It is the perfect time to just be in the kitchen cooking warm food to fuel their cold bodies.
This butternut squash soup was the first of the season for me. I really like butternut squash soup but no one else in my family really does. But, I was out to lunch in St. Petersburg and had the best soup I've ever had--it was creamy, vegan and very spicy but not too sweet. I had to re-create it. I've tried three times now to make this soup and each version is better than the last. I think I have finally perfected it and am pretty proud of this recipe.
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