This daily blogging thing is tricky. I am trying to do so much and haven't been getting up early enough to give myself time to just write. I need to remember how good it feels and how important consistency is as a practice.
I am pretty proud of my first week of May 2017.
I went to CrossFit 6 times, including one double workout! In the entire month of April, I only went 10 times, so this is a big deal. It helps that both kids are CrossFitters now and if I want to spend time with them--the box is the best place to do it.
I had another photo approved for FoodGawker. To some this might not be that big of a deal, but to me, it is huge. It spikes traffic and makes me realize that I am on the right track.
I saw my nephew perform in the Sarasota Ballet School Aladdin. He was amazing and it was so good to see him (and the others) dancing on stage.
Our paddleboard yoga teacher training started this week and the women who attended loved it and so did the instructors. I am struggling a bit with the paddleboard yoga portion of our business. I want to give it to my sister to build and grow it into something but there are so many challenges there.
Speaking of challenges, mine with Aaron continue. I am working hard to Respond rather than React but it is difficult sometimes.
I have started brainstorming a new business. I can't divulge details right now but in the coming months, I should have something to share. I am very excited about it--although very nervous too.
Silicon Valley. I have been binge watching it. And, more than anything it makes me want to live in an incubator. I want a room/house full of people working on things together and separately. Working on their own passions and helping each other as they can. It reminds me of the punk houses I lived in during college. Everyone had their own thing going on but we fed off of each other. Encouraged each other. I want that again.
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