It's kind of funny to me that I have re-started my website, with the intentions of posting about healthier eats from our Surfer's Kitchen, yet, I continually keep posting about cookies, brownies and other delicious desserts.
Well, please forgive me. I love dessert and I especially love cookies. Plus, it is the holidays and baking is what I love to do.
Don't worry, come January, my recipes will consist of healthier fare because we really are eating and testing things other than baked goods. I've been working on lots of stuff in my new insta-pot, trying to really get a good handle on making sure the kids are eating healthier breakfasts and trying to get my newly vegetarian son to try new things.
In the meantime, it is National Cookie Day and I thought I would share a new recipe for chocolate chip cookies inspired by the Blue Heron Bakery in Olympia, Washington (my hometown). The Blue Heron Bakery of my youth, was a little old house, sitting right on Mud Bay. It was a small and cozy little space, filled with the smell of freshly baking bread and coffee. It was pretty close the Evergreen State College and run by the hippies and punk rockers that make Evergreen and Olympia so interesting. My dad was a greener (student at Evergreen) and would go to the Blue Heron Bakery to buy bread, giant cinnamon rolls and turbo cookies. These whole grain treats were all that we knew and loved. (I didn't remember until today that I wrote about this place on my old site as well.)
When I am back in Olympia, we always hit up the Blue Heron Bakery for fudge bars and turbo cookies. When guests come to visit from the Pacific Northwest, I ask for Blue Heron baked goods and OlyKraut--besides the mountains and my family, these are the things I miss.
I've been trying for awhile to recreate the fudge bars (and think I am pretty close) but I need to tweak and test a couple of things before I share the recipe.
However, I do believe the recipe testing for the turbo cookies is over. I basically just took my normal chocolate chip cookie recipe, swapped out most of the sugar for turbinado sugar (sugar in the raw), added some whole grain flour and a sprinkle of salt to balance out the sweet.
I hope you enjoy them!
p.s. If you are ever in Olympia, I suggest stopping by the Blue Heron Bakery. They have moved to a larger, newer location, which I don't like as much...but they still have great food and now offer breakfast, lunch, and dinner....plus they have a nice outside seating area that was filled with beautiful flowers when we were there last summer.
(p.p.s. look below the recipe for some pictures of our trip last summer....Washington is so beautiful!)
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